Beyond Robotic Process Automation in Insurance

The Gherkin

Overcoming the practical challenges to achieve operational efficiencies, improve the customer experience and enable intelligent automation

There is no doubting the transformational potential of automation within general insurance, with labour intensive processes and high volumes of repetitive tasks meaning that operational efficiencies are relatively easy to identify and improvements in both speed and quality of service seemingly straightforward to achieve.

However, the secret to successful implementation of automation technologies lies in the alignment of people and processes around the technology and data.

Attend this breakfast to discover the practical approach to overcoming the people, process, technology and data challenges of implementing RPA and how you create a culture that embraces rather than resists automation.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Establishing which processes can and should be automated
  • Getting the data right to enable intelligent automation
  • Engaging employees and stakeholder around the changes and their impact on traditional processes
  • Understanding and mitigating the unintended consequences of RPA





Yuanyuan Liu
Director, Statistical Machine Learning
AIG Europe
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08:00 Registration, tea and coffee
08:15  Breakfast of your choice with views over the city

08:40 Introduction by the chair
08:50 Presentation

Overcoming the practical challenges of implementing automation and enabling AI processes

  • Understanding what is possible now with automation & machine learning tools
  • Getting the data right – tackling legacy data systems
  • Successfully developing AI to solve real business challenges and improve current practices
  • Key challenges arising from AI applications and approaches to overcome them
Yuanyuan Liu
Director, Statistical Machine Learning
AIG Europe
09:10 Roundtable discussion and feedback
10:00 Close

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